At Mobile World Congress 2023, the Executive team had the opportunity to see first-hand how technology is advancing rapidly and explore new business opportunities. They met with clients and prospects to discuss their vision for the future of mobile technology, sharing insights on upcoming trends and innovations in the telco sector.
Overall, attending Mobile World Congress 2023 provided an invaluable opportunity for our team to connect with others in the industry, develop relationships, and gain new insights. We look forward to seeing how the mobile industry continues to evolve in the coming years!
This experience also reinforced our commitment to providing world-class digital-first device lifecycle management solutions for our clients. We believe that staying ahead of the curve when it comes to mobile technology is key to staying competitive in todayโs market, and we will continue to strive for excellence as we move forward – watch our latest webinar (available on demand) for more on this.
Below are a few images of the Executive team from the show.
Robert Hackl MCE President & CMO, Kobi Friedman MCE Systems CFO and COO, Stuart Steinberg – CBDO, Almog Ben-Harosh – CTO & MCE Systems Co-Founder, Eitan Linker – Chief Commercial Officer and Itai Ben-Dor – Account Executive Europe
Almog Ben-Harosh – CTO & MCE Systems Co-Founder